In search of "Common Sense"

Pune, Maharashtra, India

Jun 22, 2012

Plant a tree!

“A tree is a wondrous thing. It runs entirely by solar energy. It turns water and carbon dioxide into building material. It is powerful enough to split rocks. It can contain up to 50,000 cubic feet of wood. It has a plumbing system that can raise water 100 times as efficiently as the best suction pump. It is the oldest and largest living thing on earth. It can tell time. It may grow to 300 feet in height, yet it supports itself entirely through a network of roots that are finer than a string. It may pour hundreds of gallons of water into the air in a day’s time. It befriends us by taking and using our waste products (carbon dioxide) and returning life-supporting oxygen. It sometimes grows so large that it contains enough wood to build a community of 50 six-room houses. It protects itself with bark against insects, disease, and fire. It does all these things and never moves.”


There are initiatives to plant trees in some places which can act as inspiration to Indian cities to embark on such ambitious projects.

Mar 14, 2012

First things first - Urgent Vs Important

In his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Steven Covey,  presents an approach to being effective in attaining goals by aligning oneself to what he calls "true north" principles of a character ethic that he presents as universal and timeless

Third habit - First things first, defines a desired approach to time management.

People 'should' spend more and more time in Quadrant II to prevent the necessity to spend time in Quadrant I.

Corporate leaders swear by this matrix but at the same time struggle to tame the urgent. In the process important gets compromised every time, sustaining the vicious cycle.

Looking around one finds that there is no opposition to the above principle.

How is it that there is so much struggle when the buy-in is complete?

What is missing?

"What" is clearly articulated but "How to" is left very vague and open to interpretation.

Is there a scientific way to reach the desired goal?

Discovery of this way would be akin to finding the Holy Grail!

To my understanding, the key lies in the word "Focus".

What to focus on?

Is it a "one thing / issue"? or, Is it a set of themes?

How to find what to focus on?

How to be sure, that this is the only thing and there is nothing else?